
Models of ambition. And an example of a well written post.

As best I can tell, different people are wired for different ambition types…

Type 1… craves activity and feasts at the buffet of appealing opportunities that success creates. The other model, Type 2… craves simplicity and autonomy, and sees success as a source of leverage to reduce stressful obligations.

Rather insightful observations by the writer Cal Newport, best known for his book Deep Work.

It’s also an engaging post because it humanises both these Types using well-known people: writers Michael Crichton and John Grisham.

And it’s an example of how the human mind, in this case Cal Newport’s, connects observations and concepts into a new model, in this case of ambition. I think readers sense this.

These are what makes the short post such a good read.

PS: While the writer admits he’s more a Type 2, focusing on one thing in order to minimise stress, it struck me I’m the other Type, revelling in multiple simultaneous opportunities.