
The balance of power has shifted

Om Malik:

Generally speaking, at this point, I am getting a little tired of technology books. They all seem to stick to variations on the same theme: tech is evil. I happen to disagree with this premise, but perhaps it is what sells… they all seem to be grasping at opportunities to spotlight the bad apples.

Technology has ceased to be a wonder.

Today tech both suffuses our lives and regiments them.

Boxed software used to be just tools to work and toys to play with. The contract was clear.

But nearly all software today are designed to get you to use them a certain way. Software, or software services, are as much about you gaining value from them as the other way round.

The balance of power has shifted towards those who make our technology, and we’re not happy.

It is that dissatisfaction that we’re seeing expressed through pop culture, through our TV shows, movies and books.