

On the indecision of quitting one’s job:

That was the paralyzing thing for me, just like in the toxic romantic relationships I found myself stuck in years ago. It was the familiarity of that pain, stress, and sadness that I wanted to hold onto. There’s a certain kind of masochism when you stick around in a shitty job or a shitty relationship, there’s this belief that you don’t _deserve_ any better than what you’ve got.

Been here, more than once. If you identify with this, the right answer is to leave.

In our current era the term quit has been given a bad reputation, and it’s challenging but necessary to look past this.

Because if you spend enough time in an unsatisfying situation at work, and it bleeds into the rest of your life, you’ll find it difficult to even imagine a more fulfilling life even as you scroll and watch and read about people living those very lives. Your mind dissociates that kind of life from your current existence, as though they are two parallel realities with no possible connection between them.

And that is no way to live.