
27 April, 2023 18:39

Daring Fireball on a demo for a connected wearable device that takes an anti-phone position:

Chaudhri thinks something is wrong that so many of us turn to our phones to photograph or film major moments in our lives, rather than just enjoying them through our own senses. I get it to some degree. If I’d been at that Lakers game, my phone would’ve been in my pocket at that moment, not just to absorb the actual game experience, but because I know that no photo I could take could possibly be as good as those being taken by courtside professional sports photographers. But those thousands of fans who did have their phones out for that moment weren’t thinking "_This sucks, I wish I didn’t have to stare at my phone to capture this._" They were thinking "_This is awesome and I’m glad I can capture this._"

People take their own photos at major events not because they think those will be great photos, but because they’re proof that they were there. Selfies are the new autographs, and a shaky iPhone photo from the perspective of your own seat at the event is the new certificate of attendance.