
Popular science

It being me joy that children today have the Internet to explore and inquire freely, and to supplement their learning at school.

There are well known destinations like Khan Academy of course, but you can also find the odd gem in the wild.

Just a couple of days ago, I ran into this comment on Reddit, to the question “I genuinely don’t understand how light is both a particle and a wave”:

It’s neither. It’s something that we don’t have a word for and that doesn’t exist in a way that we can sense directly. But this unnamed thing happens to acts in a way similar to a wave in some situations and like a particle in others. A cylinder will role like a sphere in one direction but not roll like a cube in the other. That doesn’t make it a sphere and a cube at the same time. It makes it something different.


Rather than criticise this answer for its lack of depth, for flaws in its analogy, imagine the spark it’ll kindle in minds both young and adult. We need more popular science.