Products and Design The Next Computer

iPhone home screen, February 2021 – widgets-only, again

(Previously:August, September, October, November, December, January home screens)

Little has changed from my home-screen-less, widgets-only setup from a couple of months ago. It’s likely going to stay this way until iOS 15 or later introduces something new.

A couple of comments, though:

I use the App Library as one way to launch my apps [1]. iOS do a good job of surfacing the most used apps in any App Library folder. But muscle memory forms pretty quickly, and I can now locate my most-used applications without even thinking about it. The brain just know, spatially, where they are on the App Library screen

There are two search bars, and it’s annoying. One is Spotlight, activating by swiping down on any screen. The second is the App Library search, activated by swiping down in the same way on the App Library screen.

Because I’ve deleted all home screens but the mandatory one, I have two screens that both reveal a search bar with the same action – but the search bars are totally different. Not just visually, but one searches files, contents in apps, Shortcuts, the web. The other lists apps.

Often I’m not consciously aware of which screen I’m on, I’ll search for some data in the App Library search bar and get no results. When I realise, after a second, that this isn’t the right screen, I need to abandon the search, switch to another screen or swipe down all the way from the top to invoke Spotlight, then type my text all over again.

I’m sure there’s a good reason for designing things this way [2], but it annoys me at least once a day.

[1] Siri Suggestions when swiping down to reveal Spotlight is another.

[2] Most people have a problem of too many home screens, not too few. Apple intended App Library to be a seldomly-used repository for apps that don’t need to live on a home screen or in a folder, but still need to be accessible. I use App Library as my only home screen, the opposite of what Apple designed it for.