Decentralisation and Neutrality Discovery and Curation Privacy and Anonymity The Dark Forest of the Internet Wellness when Always-On

Alternate realities – Part 2

(Part 1)

5/ The vastness of Twitter is what gives this the scope of a whole reality. A Facebook or Slack group or email list seems closed in comparison, a direct digital analogy of a forum or group meeting. Twitter seems like whole new worlds.

6/ Imagining hundreds of such alternative realities is heartening. This was already true – it’s what we speak of when we speak of VC Twitter, Crypto Twitter, Infosec Twitter. We are now seeing this more evenly distributed.

Twitter is an extraordinary phenomenon, the closest we have to an internet within the Internet. It’s smaller than other social networks, a fraction of Facebook’s size, but its easy publish-subscribe nature gives it a limitless feel that no other comes close to. Twitter’s natural velocity is also faster than, say, Facebook or Instagram. It’s not quite a messaging app, but you don’t see the equivalent of tweet-storms on other networks.

This openness and quickness is a big contributor to multiple subcultures coexisting on the same fabric, and you can plug yourself into any number of them. In its early days Twitter described itself as a giant world-wide town square. It still remains that, and because it’s virtual, you can participate in many simultaneous gatherings in that square, ambiently aware of innumerable such conversations around you. It’s a testament to Twitter’s versatility that it can feel like a vast open space and an echo chamber at the same time.

7/ I think that’s why there’s such pressure on Twitter from its most ardent users for tools to combat trolls and abuse. It’s to keep out those who impinge on their reality.

Social media gets flak for encouraging escape for the real world. This is in fact the Internet’s biggest benefit. Usenet, a precursor of bulletin boards, was among the Internet’s earliest use-cases. When you participated in different usenet groups with their own argot, inside jokes and community cultures, you plugged yourself into alternative realities. The more open the group the faster it grows and at some point generates its own culture. But that same openness leaves it open to interference from what it considers outsiders. It’s easier online than in real life to hijack discussions, brigade entire threads, disrupt a whole group.

How do groups counter this? Groups have moderators, empowered in some manner to enforce conduct that’s been agreed upon. Disrupters can be banned, words and topics can censored, threads can be locked, accounts can be limited to posting only a certain number of messages every hour. With active moderation, the work required to consistently disrupt a group often dwarfs the hoped-for benefit. The group fights off the infection and lives another day. This is how Reddit works.

But Twitter isn’t a group. Consequently, there are no moderators but Twitter itself. This leaves Twitter uniquely vulnerable to harassment, abuse, hate speech, stalking. Because people can retweet with a single tap, the effects of the already devastating act of doxxing – publishing someone’s real-life details like house address, person phone number, children’s names – are magnified. The effects of these are a topic by themselves. But consider the context in which we’re discussing this:

Twitter’s a place where people can be their own selves in an open environment – this combination is what makes it an alternative world. If this world has intruders like above, it’s the equivalent of being accosted by those people in a cafe or a park bench or walking down the street. Because you’re not in a digital bar, there are no bouncers to throw the offending party out. It’s a public space, and police are – until recently – absent.

(Part 3)

Discovery and Curation Wellness when Always-On

Alternate realities – Part 1

This is an annotated Twitter thread I had posted a little while ago, itself prompted by an excellent thread by Erik Torenberg.

This is my thread, with the same text and commentary right below:

1/ In his thread Erik says (among other things) that multiple parallel hyper-realistic online worlds made possible by Twitter gives demagogues attention leverage never possible in the 20th c. They can perpetuate their existence creating online simulacra of majority-oppression without having to deliver on chaos. But…

Small decentralised foreign teams can manipulate opinion en masse, as the 2016 American national election proved. We’d have imagined this would be done through damage to communications infrastructure, but these teams sabotaged, not wrecked, the tools people use everyday. Or more traditionally, certain events would have been made to happen, benefiting one or the other political side. Instead, these teams constantly magnified and spun multiple small events to create an alternative reality. It make it easy for those who wanted to believe to believe. Taking to its extreme, many people online now perennially consume outrage porn. Warfare has changed and we don’t know it yet.

2/ … I think the ability to create an alternative reality and subculture is also freeing, empowering in a way. Any shared national narrative of the past was foisted upon people by whatever small set controlled TV and print media.

I remember reading a couple of years an article on how decadal cultures like “the 80s” and “the 90s” don’t exist for the 2000s and 2010s as each of us has plugged into our own online cultures. Since online cultures evolve faster than mass media ones, generations form faster too. Consider the Xennials, a ‘micro-generation’ that I fall squarely in the middle of, who identify with neither of the successive generations labelled GenX and Millennial.

(Part 2)

The Next Computer

Retina fun

Some recent fun: for a while, I gave my non-retina 2012 MacBook Pro a retina screen and used Mac OS on a crisp high-res screen.

Years ago, I had purchased Duet Display, using which you could use your iPad as a second display for your Mac. You’d connect your iPad via a cable, run the Mac and iOS Duet Display apps. That was all there was to it.

It works quite well. As much as I’d like to be, I’m not a two-monitor person, and so it never stuck.

Clearly, Bill Gates loves a multiple monitor setup

Recently, for no real reason, I gave it another shot. While arranging displays under Settings → Displays, I noticed that the Mac OS menu bar was duplicated on both the iPad Pro and the Mac – so the iPad wasn’t really a second monitor. So instead of setting the iPad off to the side, why not put it up front and center?

It worked quite well – I had a 12.9″ Retina display in front of me running MacOS Mojave. I could put my Macbook out of sight if I liked, and I’d have a pretty great combination – the iPad Pro display and the still-quite-fast internals of my MacBook Pro.

I used it for an hour, and it was fun while it lasted. The problem? There’s just a slight lag with the pointer and keyboard input, which is enough to make the MacBook Pro seem like an older machine. Sure, apps start up quickly, no tabs reload because the system’s run out of memory, but a lag in input is a deal-breaker. It’s fine if you’re using the iPad for a window you don’t interact with much, like your email inbox or your twitter feed, not as your main display.

Well. Too bad.

My bet is I’ll end up using an iPad with an external display once letterboxing is no longer an issue. This post from Federico Viticci of Macstories describes his experiences using his iPad Pro with different peripherals for a full-time setup.

Viticci’s iPad desktop setup. You can see the letterboxing of the iPad display on the widescreen monitor.
Wellness when Always-On

Meditation is work, not relaxation

From an interview on Lifehacker’s How I Work series:

… our expert on the show was Andy Puddicombe, the guy who helped start [the meditation app] Headspace. And Andy’s story is a super interesting story, because he had serious psychological issues and went to India to try and figure it out. And that’s how he discovered meditation.

And his approach to meditation is that meditation is a practice session to try to let things go. It’s work, it’s not relaxation. By the end of this episode he literally had not said any advice that I had not heard at least two dozen times before, but all of a sudden it really sunk in, hearing this story. I was like, “oh, no, I’ve been doing meditation all wrong.” I’d been trying to relax, and empty my brain, and focus on my breath, but that’s not really what it’s about. It’s work. It’s practice. You have to be able to say “here’s a thought that’s bothering me, I’m going to like wrestle it into a corner where I can turn my back on it.”

And it transformed how I fall asleep. And again, he didn’t tell me anything new; he just told me it in the context of a story about himself and suddenly I was able to hear it really for the first time.

The Next Computer

iPhone – and iPad – home screen, September 2020

We’re adding the iPad to the monthly home screen post. Here goes:


My iPhone home screen didn’t change at all between August and September; my choices worked out well.

My prediction about Drafts was incorrect; it’s become one of my most-used apps on iPad and iPhone. The app is light, the sync is near-instant, Markdown highlighting is adequate, formatted preview is pretty good. I use it, as intended, to quickly capture and start all manner of text notes, and send it to different places: paste in WordPress or in Google Docs, send a tweet or a Slack message, save to a plaintext file in my notes.

Microsoft Todo and the Fitbit app, as we wrote in August, are daily companions. The Todo app is a collection of ideas and articles for this and other sites. The Fitbit app helps me maintain a baseline level of fitness.


The iPad is my main computer. The flexibility of touch and iOS combined with the canvas of a 13-inch laptop screen means it’s more powerful than either an iPhone or a Macbook.

For work, my most-used apps are Slack, Drafts, Safari – for the web versions of Google Docs and Sheets, and for Whatsapp. I take and make phone calls from the iPad via the iPhone – Continuity is quite terrific. Of course there’s also Meet, Telegram and Facetime calls – again all via the iPad. The only limitation is Whatsapp, which is still, in September 2020, tied to a single device:

For entertainment, I use common video-streaming apps: Netflix, Prime Video, Hotstar. VLC for video files that I drag into the iPad Files app from an external hard drive. And Books for my daily 20-minute reading session.

Outside of them, it’s not very different from the iPhone. Pixelmator and Notability are a joy to use with the large screen and the Apple Pencil. I’m giving the Notion app a try, but I might as well just use the (desktop) website in Safari.

Along with no Whatsapp iPad support, the other limitation is the bare-bonesGoogle Docs and Sheets apps: they lack many important features that their web app has. They also, notably, lack external keyboard and pointer support. Since iOS 13, the Safari browser displays the vastly more capable web versions well, but it’s not the same as on mac OS. I make do.

I thought I’d find iPad OS’ display of home-screen widgets to be useful, but they’re really an afterthought. When I’m using a keyboard, opening Fantastical via Cmd + Space, typing ‘FA’ and tapping enter takes a fraction of the time that swiping down, then right, and then revealing the widget. Muscle memory. Ditto for Shortcuts. The only thing I use really is the Authy widget for quickly copying two-factor codes. And, infrequently, the Klok time-zone widget.

This is what it is in September. Next month onwards, we’ll see what’s changed. Just like with the iPhone.

Data Custody Discovery and Curation

“Notion is eating the web” – Part 5

(Part 4 – A Notion-hosted site I built)

The catch is that, quite simply, it’s a closed system and a closed format. And while you can point your domain to it, it’s also not something you host. Your data and your business is at risk if you’re locked out of your Notion account, or if Notion’s systems are breached. If Notion begins to charge for public hosting or removes/restricts its free plan, you’ll incur costs just like your self-hosted WordPress installation, but without any of the control. This isn’t specific to Notion, but it is definitely applicable to it.

This is the problem with no-code systems and tools in general. The reduction in friction is almost always at the cost of control over data. In this case, you can in theory keep a local copy of all the data you put into Notion – I have all of the icons, the photographs, the text in Markdown, tables in CSV. But the value of Notion isn’t in the data. It’s in the meta-data. It’s in its ability to organise my coffee-related data and text on the same page. To create galleries out of simple tabular data. To make it possible for me to organise my coffee database for myself and offer that same database to the world via the web. It would just not be the same for me to create HTML pages – open format – of each of the roasts and brew methods, to link to different brew methods from roast pages and vice verse. HTML is a linked graph. Notion is databases. There is value in those roast <> brew method relationships.

I’d love to see WordPress implement a version of this. With the Gutenberg publishing system, it has already taken a block-oriented approach like Notion has.

If one of those blocks can be a database – not just a table – of WordPress pages, it could transform what a WordPress site could be.


Audience as Capital Data Custody Discovery and Curation

“Notion is eating the web” – Part 4

(Part 3 – how Notion changes the game when it comes to easily creating flexible, data-rich web page)

The best way to learn a tool is to use it to solve an actual problem.

I’d given Notion a try a couple of times when it was much newer. When they dropped an important limitation on the free plan, I tried it once again, but I still didn’t really get it. More recently, I read, this time in detail, an extraordinary profile of Marie Poulin, who uses Notion to organise several aspects of her life, capturing and displaying detailed personal data. It’s at that point that something clicked. Everything was a database, and the entire proposition of Notion was displaying that data in any number of different ways.

Now I have been working with a friend to create a website and a community around coffee – specifically, people in India who brew their own coffee. The hypothesis is that there are hundreds of such people across the country not, but there’s no destination for all of them to share their journeys, experiences, questions. We wanted to start by sharing our own favourite roasts, cafes, brew methods, roasters, articles, and take it from there. Content → Community → Commerce, like we have seen before in our series on Linear Commerce.

I defaulted to WordPress for this project. I already pay for hosting for this site and have WordPress set up. The idea was to turn it into a multi-site installation and have the domain point to the coffee site’s wordpress. This was exactly what I did over oneweekend. We had written content for the site’s About page, so that went up. And stalled. It wasn’t simple to create a gallery of the roasts, roasters and brew methods that I had wanted us to get started with. Even with Elementor and its Gallery widget – it was just too clunky.

That was where I was at when I re-read the Poulin article. It took me a single weekend on Notion and fewer hours than I had spent on WordPress to create exactly what I had wanted. Not just the setup – all the content too.

This is the Notion site as it stands today. It’s an early public draft and we work on it nearly every day. Notion makes it simple to add a lot of data easily. Because there’s no edit mode, any changes we make to content or layout are available to the public immediately.

(Part 5 – What’s the catch?)


“Notion is eating the web” – Part 3

(Part 2 – Repurposing Google Docs and Evernote to publish to the web falls short)

There are two things unique to Notion that have made it so popular for such a wide variety of web-based properties:

One, it’s made page layout very simple. Creating columns is as simple as dragging and dropping one beside another, so you end up treating a Notion (web) page as a grid that you can populate with sections as you like, making creating a page like this trivial.

Two, re-imagining the database. To say Notion embraces structured data is an understatement. Structured data is at its very core – Notion is a database of pages. Pages can themselves contain databases, and so on.

With Notion, you can have a database displayed as a list, a gallery, a calendar, a kanban board, and as a simple table. You have have your viewers switch between these views. And while there are many ways to customise each view, the basic idea is that you can filter which fields in your database are displayed in each view.

What does any of this have to do with the web?

For one, you can create a database if your blog posts. You can now create different List Views of your blog posts, filtered by stag or a combination of tags. You can now have these lists displayed side by side (or any other layout) on the same page.

You can create a personal or product roadmap as a database, with each feature or fix marked with a date or a month. You can now display these on your home page in Calendar View, giving your customers or prospects a view of what’s to come. You can offer different calendar views filtered by (product) tags, so if you’re running a specialised mobile camera app, you can have one calendar view of just upcoming new camera capabilities, another of just new photo management and editing features, another for sharing features, and so on. If you tag these features by status – whether they’ve been proposed, planned, scheduled, are being worked on, or have been released – you can have them listed as a Kanban Board View, a pipeline view of your product’s future evolution. As your team knocks these features off and takes up new ones, you update your database internally, and your public board changes automatically. There is no edit – preview- publish loop anymore.

You can create a database of your customer testimonials and have them displayed as a Gallery View. If you have photos of your customers, you can choose to have them displayed as the preview image in each gallery card. You can display the whole testimonial in the gallery card, or have the gallery card clickable to view the whole customer testimonial page. The page itself is like any other web page – you can leave it empty other than the testimonial text, or include other information, including text (a customer profile?) or even more structured data (how long the person’s been a customer), more tags (what features the person most likes in your product), and so on.

And you can combine some or all of these elements on the same web page, link to other web pages, add text, links, tables, pictures, embedded files – anything you like. You can even embed other HTML in it, so if you want to capture customer interest, you can embed a Google Form. [1]

Notion makes it possible like never before for data, HTML, text and multimedia to co-exist. Equally importantly, it brings down the friction of creating these seemingly complicated pages to nearly zero. Like Steve Jobs said of computers being bicycles for your mind, Notion is a bicycle for data.

(Part 4 – My own Notion website)

[1] And, using something like Zapier and Notion’s for-now unofficial API, auto-populate a private Notion database of leads.

Audience as Capital Discovery and Curation

“Notion is eating the web” – Part 2

(Part 1 – People are using Notion for all sorts of stuff)

Now Google Docs has long had the ability to publish a document to the web. Over five yers ago when I ran the consumer banking business at the payments company Citrus Pay, I published job descriptions as public Google Docs documents. The URL didn’t matter because they were going to be linked to from job boards and WhatsApp groups, and I wrapped them in a URL shortener in any case.

More recently I used a set of public Evernote pages to rapidly prototype some web content that the Cube Wealth app linked to. It took the team minutes to create and publish – web pages would have taken hours.

It’s not fancy, but it did exactly what it was supposed to do – present information about the fund clearly

Both of these examples worked well because the focus was the content, not the appearance. In fact, the simpler the layout of the page, the more effective the page.

But in terms of content, both are both ultimately document-oriented tools. They are built on the printer-era Microsoft Word model – even Evernote. They’re adequate for publishing long-form single-column simply-formatted text, with images and links embedded [1].

Which means they fall short when you want to use them for other, more capable web properties. You need another tool that maintains the tight feedback loop between editing and publishing, but adds flexibility in layout and in displaying other types of content beyond text.

(Part 3 – Notion)

[1] Evernote excels not in its display of output but in the ease of getting information in and making it organisable and searchable.

Audience as Capital Discovery and Curation

“Notion is eating the web” – Part 1

This tweet and the replies to it have a number of excellent examples of people using Notion to host public-facing properties on the web.

Landing pages, about pages, job descriptions, libraries, portfolios, manuals, roadmaps, dashboards. This tweet thread linked to in the replies has another list of use cases with examples, including the ones above:

Some months ago we wrote about Notion as an example of a general-purpose software that optimised for nothing, and therefore was suboptimised for everything. This technically holds true.

The Notion then is still the Notion of today. But the norm around what constitutes a website has changed.

WordPress page editors like Elementor and Oxygen are fantastic, feature-rich WYSIWIG tools with which you can create highly customised pages on your site. But they are high-input, high-output tools. For sites where content and speed are more important than form, they are overkill. Even a vanilla site with pages may be too much overhead.

(Part 2 – So we move on to other sorts of tools)