The Next Computer

Camo and Sherlocking

I was invited to beta-test Camo, via which you can use your iPhone or iPad camera as a webcam with your computer.

It has now been released, available both as a feature-limited but still very capable free version, and a paid version available (as of this writing) for a steep USD 40 per year.

Nearly everyone I showed this to remarked how poor their computer’s built-in camera was, no matter how expensive and capable the computer.

The second thing that the iOS + mac OS owners said was was that it was surprising Apple hadn’t built this in yet. After all the company has for many years now made iPhones and iPads work extraordinarily well with Macs: with Continuity you can answer text messages from your phone, share a clipboard, share a hotspot, take calls from any device, transfer any sort and any number of files at great speed, even autofill one-time-passwords received on your iPhone into a Safari web-page on your iPad or Mac. With Sidecar, your iPad is now a secondary screen for your Mac. Why not use the fantastic front camera on iPhones as a webcam?

Apple is known to ‘Sherlock’ features, or bake into the default experience innovative features and capabilities created by outside developers. I think there is a high probability it will build the Camo experience into iOS/mac OS.

Camo may yet survive by offering capabilities Apple chooses to not include. Duet Display survives even with Sidecar. And f.lux survives even with Night Shift. But single-purpose webcams will be well and truly dead.