
Twitter bookmarking with Charm

I came across the Twitter Collections iOS app Charm a couple of weeks ago. Think of Collections as multiple Bookmarks lists, so Charm is a great way of bookmarking tweets for different interest areas/themes.

Charm hasn’t been updated since 2016. The creator used to work at Twitter, but made clear that it was a hobby. So the app hasn’t been optimised for post-iPhone-X resolutions, and the iPad display is a stretched-out iPhone app.

But it works. It was well-designed when it was created. It has charming artwork, extensive support for Collections including rearranging tweets. I love it.

More than anything, the creator has not implemented their own authentication, user management, storage, encryption – it’s all built around Twitter. You log in using Twitter, you create, save Collections straight to Twitter. There are no custom extensions to Collections. And Apple hosts and manages the app itself. Ben the creator can move on, even outright abandon the project but Charm will run as long as Twitter supports Collections and Apple supports the iTunes App Store. This is similar to yesterday’s app Nomie that relies on Blockstack’s authentication and storage.