
Pair programming

Does your software firm do this? A ‘driver’ who writes the code, and the ‘navigator’ who sits beside, critiquing the code in real-time:

Consider the game “Where’s Waldo,” in which a cartoon character is hidden in an intricate design. Most people can eventually find Waldo after poring over the drawing. Similarly, when programmers check code for errors, it takes time to examine the logic and find mistakes.

Now imagine if someone sat next to the artist from the very beginning. Obviously, the onlooker should be able to find Waldo more easily. The character would stand out. In the same way, one programmer looking for errors in code as another writes it can follow the logic in real time. Ideally, the navigator immediately catches anything that is incorrect. My colleagues agree with this analogy.

With tales of incompatible idiosyncrasies.

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