
“just setting up my twttr”

One of the members of the group that created Twitter, about the moment when it was born:

I was lucky enough to be in [Twitter’s first CEO Jack Dorsey] @Jack’s group, where he first described a service that uses SMS to tell small groups what you are doing. We happened to be on top of the slide on the north end of South Park. It was sunny and brisk. We were eating Mexican food. His idea made us stop eating and start talking.

I remember that @Jack’s first use case was city-related: telling people that the club he’s at is happening. “I want to have a dispatch service that connects us on our phones using text.” His idea was to make it so simple that you don’t even think about what you’re doing, you just type something and send it.

Also from the article by Dom Sagolla: a screenshot of one of the very first iterations of the Twitter home page, then called twttr.

Note: “just setting up my twttr” was the first tweet on the system, according to a Newsweek article about the first messages on the telegraph, the phone, email, SMS and Twitter.